Filosofia política

Filosofia política

The Bloodless Political Class and Its Lack of Empathy

Why watch COVID press conferences and briefings by politicians? They are just upsetting. These people seem to have no clue about why the virus is ignoring them. They keep issuing strange and arbitrary rules that they make up, change by the day, all enforced by intimidation and compulsion.

Aug 18, 2020
Jeffrey A. Tucker
5 mins
Donor Spotlight: Tom and Dianne Blackburn

It seemed a logical question. They were both in their 60s, and they just met. But she had never been on a cruise.

Aug 3, 2020
4 Mins
Justice, Inc.

Federal funding for organizations like Helping Hands for Africa thus represents an unalloyed good, even though the returns are measured in lives saved, rather than dollars made.

Mar 18, 2020
J. P. Medved
10 Mins
Why Wall Street Bankers and Federal Lawyers Hate Michael Milken

What outrages me, and what I think should outrage others, is the process that brought about the pardon.

Feb 27, 2020
William L. Anderson
9 Mins
The Return of Slavery

There are some plagues that mankind seems to be incapable of fully destroying. One of these plagues is slavery, which has existed since man

May 13, 2019
Richard William Rahn
4 Mins
Climate Change: A Moral Debate

There has been considerable debate on the science of climate change and global warming on both ends of the spectrum from “deniers” to “alarm

Apr 23, 2019
João Vicente
6 Mins
Visible and Invisible Hands

Douglas Den Uyl is vice president of educational programs for Liberty Fund. Douglas Rasmussen is a professor of philosophy at St. John’s

Apr 3, 2018
Douglas Rasmussen
8 Mins
What Is “Neoliberalism” Anyway?

The term “neoliberalism” is being flung around everywhere these days, usually with a haughty sense of “everyone knows what this is.” But do

May 22, 2017
Jeffrey A. Tucker
10 Mins
Pope Francis Attacks Objectivism in All but Name

Ayn Rand delved into some of Objectivism’s most fundamental ideas—and their most poignant personal implications—in the essay she devoted to.

May 2, 2017
Walter Donway
6 Mins
What Would Ayn Rand Think About Americanism Today?

Seventy years ago Ayn Rand, thankful for finding refuge in the United States from the totalitarian Soviet Union, wrote a short essay series

Jun 30, 2016
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
Millennials Need Capitalist Morality

A Harvard survey found that only 42% of 18 to 29 year olds support capitalism. The good news of sorts is that only 33% support socialism....

Apr 28, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Ayn Rand and Margaret Sanger—Say What?!

A recent piece by John Ellis at PJMedia, Take the Quiz: Who Said It ... Margaret Sanger or Ayn Rand?, catches our attention by the odd juxta

Apr 8, 2016
Dr. David Kelley
3 Mins
Atlas Shrugged: Now Non-Fiction

Atlas Shrugged Part III, the concluding installment of the film trilogy of Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel, is now in theaters. Its producers are on

Sep 12, 2014
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
D-Day and Enlightenment Values

My late Uncle “Boots” Van Pelt was almost killed 70 years ago. He went ashore on Omaha Beach with the 29th Infantry Division on D-Day....

Jun 6, 2014
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Georgia GOP's Genital Obsession

rs are straight. Obama and his cronies are growing government control over every aspect of our lives and these are the issues that these

Apr 9, 2014
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
The Atlas Society at Libertopia 2013

Objectivist and libertarian communities often discuss their utopian potentialities, so the prospect of the Libertopia Festival —by its name

Sep 17, 2013
4 Mins
The Atlas Society at Libertopia 2013

Objectivist and libertarian communities often discuss their utopian potentialities, so the prospect of the Libertopia Festival....

Sep 17, 2013
4 Mins
What are Rights? | Atlas University

Political controversies and protests are often dominated by the theme of rights or individual rights. We hear about a "right to health care

Jun 7, 2013
Defining Capitalism

Merriam-Webster has announced that "capitalism" and "socialism" were the most looked-up words of 2012. That's unsurprising in a year when

Dec 6, 2012
Alexander R. Cohen
2 Mins
Bloomberg Takes Sweetness out of Life

Quite the contrary. He's taking sweetness out of life for the eight million people who live in New York City. And I'm not just talking...

Sep 14, 2012
2 Mins

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.