

Ayn Rand Diet Plan: Fad Diets, Fat-acceptance Are Anti-Reality

“A is A. All the pain has come from the effort to evade the fact that A is A.” ayn rand diet plan exercise reality checkThese are the

Apr 8, 2016
Jennifer A. Grossman
3 Mins
Objective Reality - An Atlas University Conversation

May 13, 2014 -- Why do many philosophers deny the existence of objective reality? In this conversation David Kelley and William R Thomas dis

Mar 24, 2015
David Kelley Ph.D
2 Mins
Objectivity: Metaphysical and Epistemological

What does it mean to be objective? David Kelley discusses the relation of the objective, the intrinsic, and the subjective. He discusses

Jul 24, 2014
David Kelley Ph.D
1 Min
Fatal Vision, Joe McGinniss, and Stalking the Criminal Mind

The American author Joe McGinniss died March 10. He was certainly not an Objectivist, nor a libertarian. But he was a superb writer, and..

Mar 18, 2014
David Kelley Ph.D
2 Mins
Minecraft, Video Games, and Objectivist Values

Thanksgiving evening at home — snow on the ground outside, the hum of the dishwasher in the kitchen, half-eaten pies on the counter. The ...

Dec 10, 2013
3 Mins
Objective Reality | Atlas University

In this 30-minute presentation, philosopher and author David Kelley covers the essentials of the Objectivist view of metaphysical

Sep 29, 2013
David Kelley Ph.D
1 Min
What is the Objectivist View of Reality (Metaphysics)?

Objectivism holds that there is one reality, the one in which we live. It is self-evident that reality exists and is what it is; our job is

Apr 5, 2011
William Thomas
9 Mins
Nietzsche's Metaphysics and Epistemology

It is no easy task trying to understand what Nietzsche’s views on metaphysics and epistemology are. Beyond getting past Nietzsche’s manner..

Mar 8, 2011
Shawn E. Klein
5 Mins
Response by Shawn Klein

Will Thomas’s review essay captures much of the essence of this very difficult Derrida piece. I especially appreciated his comments on decon

Feb 28, 2011
Shawn E. Klein
4 Mins
Response by Jamie Mellway

This commentary is part of The Atlas Society's 1999 online "CyberSeminar" entitled " The Continental Origins of Postmodernism ."

Feb 27, 2011
Jamie Mellway
2 Mins
Determinism in The Fountainhead?

Ayn Rand wrote out the passages that Leonard Peikoff cites in The Fountainhead , Centennial Edition (728–732) in her journals from late...

Jan 25, 2011
5 Mins
Free Will and Determinism

That we have free will is self-evident. You chose to write this question. Indeed, most fundamentally, you chose to think about it. This is

Jan 25, 2011
2 Mins

Objectivism holds that there is no "supernatural" world. For more on this, see our Q&A on Religion and our Q&A on metaphysics...

Jan 25, 2011
2 Mins
Free Will and Causality

Objectivism does not have a “strict physicalist doctrine.” It merely holds that whatever exists exists, has identity, and has causal powers

Jan 25, 2011
2 Mins
Agnosticism and the Unknown: Round Two

You are right that Newton was not in a position to say in detail whether atoms or sub-atomic particles existed. We, like Newton, have plenty

Jan 23, 2011
3 Mins
Atheism--Pascal's Wager

Objectivism is an atheistic philosophy because there is neither a coherent concept of what God would be nor are any of the arguments offered

Jan 23, 2011
2 Mins
Axioms and the A-Priori

I am not a Kantian, nor an expert on Kantianism. But the common understanding of "a-priori" is knowledge that can be established prior to...

Jan 23, 2011
2 Mins
Agnosticism and Proof

Consider what it would take to try to prove that there is no such thing as a supernatural realm. What evidence would you cite to prove that

Jan 23, 2011
Andrew Bissell
3 Mins
Agnosticism and the Unknown

I hope you have read D. Moskovitz's answer on agnosticism. If not, you can find it here .You are right: we will never be omniscient. And

Jan 23, 2011
2 Mins
What is the Objectivist View of Free Will?

Objectivism holds that man has free will. In every moment, many courses of action are open to us; whichever action we take, we could equally

Jun 29, 2010
6 Mins

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.