العرق والهجرة

العرق والهجرة

Europe, Assimilation, and Immigration

The European Union has declared that its members will share the current wave of immigrants around amongst its member states. It is a fine

Sep 25, 2015
6 Mins
Universal Equality and Nationalism in the European Refugee Crisis

The European migration crisis has exposed the profound contradictions in the European Union. Faced with unprecedented numbers of illegal imm

Sep 20, 2015
5 Mins
Baltimore riots as Criminal Culture Writ Large

The rioting in Baltimore represents criminal culture writ large. It is what happens every day on a smaller scale in poor minority...

Apr 30, 2015
إدوارد هودجينز
7 Mins
Politico Writer Plays Race Card by Calling Millennials Racis

In a Politico article Sean McElwee of Demos argues that, in the words of his title, “ Millennials Are More Racist Than You Think .” In fact

Mar 13, 2015
إدوارد هودجينز
4 Mins
Politico Writer Plays Race Card by Calling Millennials Racist

Using Pew data, McElwee acknowledges that Millennials [those born after 1980] “are indeed less likely than baby boomers to say that more....

Mar 13, 2015
إدوارد هودجينز
4 Mins
Illegal Immigrants, Tax Evaders, and Imperial Power

Are you, like me, pro-immigrant and in favor of a path to legal residency for illegal immigrants? If you are, you nevertheless must

Nov 24, 2014
إدوارد هودجينز
6 Mins
Redskins Name and Warped Liberal Minds

Some 5,000 demonstrators in Minneapolis denounced the Washington Redskins’ team name just before the team’s game with the Minnesota Vikings.

Nov 7, 2014
إدوارد هودجينز
3 Mins
Jeb Bush Right on Illegal Immigration

April 11, 2014 – In Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor, we finally have a Republican who recognizes that illegal immigration can be a hig

Apr 11, 2014
إدوارد هودجينز
4 Mins
Leftists Celebrate Anti-Semites

Who we celebrate as heroes says much about ourselves. The celebration by leftists of two anti-Jewish nuts is an advertisement of the

Feb 28, 2014
إدوارد هودجينز
3 Mins
RFK Jr.'s Racial Honesty--and Betrayal

The New York Post has obtained a copy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s personal diary and published excerpts, much to the chagrin of this scion...

Sep 13, 2013
إدوارد هودجينز
3 Mins
Martin Luther King's Dream and Today's Racial Nightmare

As thousands more gather in Washington this week to mark the anniversary of that day that held so much hope, they must ask, “What happened..

Aug 28, 2013
إدوارد هودجينز
6 Mins
Leaving America for Freedom, Earth for Mars

America is a country built by immigrants, but immigrants did not come here to build this country. Rather, they wanted—and still want...

Aug 15, 2013
إدوارد هودجينز
4 Mins
Immigration and the Republican Death Spiral

Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) rightly warns about the demise of the GOP if his party does not help pass reasonable immigration reform..

Jun 18, 2013
إدوارد هودجينز
3 Mins
Four Facts for Conservatives about Immigration Policy

Last week President Obama announced that his administration will not deport as many as a million illegal immigrants who were brought to the

Jun 20, 2012
2 Mins
Immigration, Globalization, and the Philosophy That Informs Them

Many Americans consider the issues of immigration and globalization principally from an economic perspective. And that perspective is....

Mar 29, 2011
إدوارد هودجينز
4 Mins
Immigration, Liberty, and the American Character

Immigration has become the most politically and emotionally charged domestic issue in the United States—which is ironic, given that this

Mar 29, 2011
إدوارد هودجينز
12 Mins
Ban Government Racism, Not Discrimination

February 28, 2003 -- A state university uses racial criteria in choosing candidates for admission. It has been doing this for years, as have

Feb 2, 2011
ديفيد كيلي، دكتوراه
7 Mins
How Racist Are We?

I’m a bit of a racist. I’ll bet you are one, too.

Dec 19, 2010
8 Mins
Immigration and Arizona Justice: Liberty vs. Law

The September 11 terrorist attacks awakened a remarkable amount of anti-immigration furor in America, which has persisted for many years....

Oct 6, 2010
جو دوارتي
4 Mins
Reparations for Native Americans and Descendants of Slaves

Morally there is a kind of symmetry between the two types of reparations cases: In general, there is no justice in blaming a group for the

Sep 29, 2010
3 Mins

نحن نشجع الموضوعية المفتوحة: فلسفة العقل والإنجاز والفردية والحرية.