The Atlas Society Asks James Lindsay Transcript
James Lindsay, Ph.D., is a bestselling author, mathematician, and cultural critic who has written six books on subjects including religion, the philosophy of science, and postmodern theory. He first famously teamed up with Peter Boghossian and Helen Pluckrose to submit some 20 academic hoax papers, with 7 of them getting published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. His most famous book (so far), co-authored with Helen Pluckrose is Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything About Race, Gender and Identity -- and Why This Harms Everybody. He joined CEO Jennifer Grossman on June 22, 2022 to discuss his book Race Marxism, which explores the origins of Critical Race Theory as a reinvention of Marxism focusing on race instead of class. Watch the entire video HERE or check the transcript below.

Sep 10, 2024