I was 27, and wasn’t thinking about how to make myself look younger -- particularly not when dating a man 13 years my senior.

I was 27, and wasn’t thinking about how to make myself look younger -- particularly not when dating a man 13 years my senior.
We all love to announce publicly our most glorious moments and accomplishments. However, a life best lived is a hero’s journey, a journey
Atlas Summit 2013 -- If we can't escape to the idyllic mountain hideaway of Ayn Rand's Atlantis, can we at least bring the core ideals and
“Firing people was easily the worst part of the job.” Those are the words of a great friend of mine who for decades ran a very successful
If you are like many people, you made some resolutions to improve your life in some way in the new year. Maybe you resolved to quit smoking.
I’m a psychiatrist in private practice in New York City. I spend most of my time working with a variety of interesting people who are
When I was 21 years old I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Though the news was upsetting, I was relieved it wasn’t a brain tumor. But as I
The Los Angeles Times recently highlighted a study published in Heart, a British Medical Journal publication, that found loneliness can...
“A is A. All the pain has come from the effort to evade the fact that A is A.” ayn rand diet plan exercise reality checkThese are the
This summer, at the Atlas Summit, serial entrepreneur Dr. Patrick Gentempo will make a passionate argument about the very practical use of
The biggest moment of her life was about to arrive, and Katie Torpey didn’t even care. It was a Saturday night in Los Angeles, and Katie
Headlines this week have blared “How Parents Create Narcissist Children” and “Do Parents Nurture Narcissists By Pouring On The Praise?” They
Colleges do a pretty good job of teaching calculus and the Krebs Cycle. They know how to test what you’ve learned. They grant diplomas
At our organization’s 1996 Summer Seminar, in Boulder, Colorado, Nathaniel Branden made the first of many appearances at our events. This...
I first met Nathaniel Branden, who passed away this morning, in fall 1983. I had successfully passed my Ph.D. oral defense of dissertation..
After eleven years of farming near Hutchinson, Minnesota, Kathy Prellwitz and her husband decided to invest in the community in which they
A new year is usually a time when we recommit ourselves to making a difference in our own lives, when we reflect on our past achievements...
Americans are perhaps exceptional in the emphasis they put on creating a better tomorrow and a better self.
That pithy advice, usually attributed to Henry Ford, expresses one of the most frequent themes in the vast literature of self-improvement...
She stood on a bank of snow with an outstretched hand and decades of hope. It had snowed for seven straight days and three-foot drifts lined