

Are Lockdowns an Election-Year Ransom Note?

"We don’t realistically anticipate that we would be moving to either tier 2 or reopening K-12 schools at least until after the election, in early November.” Those are the words of a west coast health director. No in-person schooling until after the election? Hmmm.Please think about what was said. It reads as kind of a ransom note. Vote for science-reverent candidate Joe Biden, or else….

Sep 21, 2020
John Tamny
Member Spotlight: Kyle Ver Steeg, M.D.

My first wife. I wasn't much of a reader then, but she recommended Atlas Shrugged. She never recommended a book before, but she thought I'd like it. I thought, well that's curious. So I went ahead and started reading it. And the more I read it, the more my attitude changed.

Jun 12, 2020
Marilyn Moore
7 Mins
Privacy Policy

The Atlas Society Ltd. (“TAS”) values its users' privacy. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") will help you understand how we collect and use personal information from those who visit our website or make use of our online facilities and services, and what we will and will not do with the information we collect.

Jan 1, 2020
Super User
9 Mins
Climate Change: A Moral Debate

There has been considerable debate on the science of climate change and global warming on both ends of the spectrum from “deniers” to “alarm

Apr 23, 2019
John Vincent
6 Mins
Ayn Rand and Altruism, Part 3

In the foreword to The Moral Basis of Individualism—a book that Ayn Rand began writing for Bobbs-Merrill in 1943 but never finished—we find

Dec 14, 2018
George H. Smith
6 Mins
Visible and Invisible Hands

Douglas Den Uyl is vice president of educational programs for Liberty Fund. Douglas Rasmussen is a professor of philosophy at St. John’s

Apr 3, 2018
Douglas Rasmussen
8 Mins
Is Theft Now Legal in Italy?

The Italian Supreme Court has ruled that stealing small amounts of food out of desperation “does not constitute a crime.” The adverse moral

May 11, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Is equality a social value?

Is equality a social value? Political equality—equality before the law—is an important value, required by the universal principles of

Apr 7, 2016
3 Mins
Minimum Wage is not Economic Justice

California has approved a new law hiking the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2022. Governor Jerry Brown calls the plan “economic justice.”

Mar 29, 2016
4 Mins
Research Workshop discusses "Virtues in Action" and "Virtues for Life" virtue lists

The Atlas Society's Research Workshop met online on Thursday, October 22, for a discussion of virtues derived from the positive psychology..

Oct 27, 2015
The Atlas Society
3 Mins
Intermediate course in Objectivist Ethics

This 5-part course in the Objectivist ethics was filmed this summer, in Nashua, New Hampshire, as part of our annual Atlas Summit....

Sep 15, 2015
2 Mins
Justice and Benevolence

Justice is an essential virtue in the Objectivist ethics. This Atlas Summit session, filmed this summer, covers the nature and importance of

Jul 30, 2015
David Kelley Ph.D
2 Mins
The Nature of Free Will

Free will is a fundamental question in philosophy because it is the foundation of ethics. If man has no free choice in his actions then he

Mar 8, 2015
David Kelley Ph.D
2 Mins
The Moral and Cultural Significance of "Genie, you're free"

“Genie, you’re free.” In Disney’s Aladdin, those are the words in which the Genie learns that after thousands of years of being forced to...

Aug 13, 2014
Alexander R. Cohen
3 Mins
Virtue and Selfishness

Atlas Summit 2014 -- The Objectivist ethics is based in a recognition that, for each organism, its life is its ultimate value. This is the

Jul 18, 2014
William Thomas
2 Mins
When an Anti-Semite Discovers He's a Jew

Until recently, Csanad Szegedi was a founder and star spokesman of Hungary’s anti-Semitic far-right nationalist party. But then he

Nov 4, 2013
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Weiner's Insatiable Lust: For Power

To no one’s surprise Anthony Weiner lost in the New York City Democratic mayoral primary. But just before his defeat he was a guest on

Sep 12, 2013
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Objectivism, Evolution, and Ethics

In this presentation filmed in 2010, Edward Hudgins offers a detailed examination of the attempts by the new secularists and atheists to add

Jun 4, 2013
Edward Hudgins
2 Mins
David Kelley Debates John Mackey

What is the foundation of human happiness, prosperity, cooperation and freedom? At the 2011 FreedomFest in Las Vegas, Whole Foods CEO and...

Feb 11, 2013
2 Mins
The Moral Tradition: The Concept of Loyalty

Notice, first, that the objects of loyalty are human and institutional. One is loyal to a friend, an organization, a spouse, a country...

Jan 13, 2013
4 Mins

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.