The Atlas Society Asks

The Atlas Society Asks Lenore Skenazy

January 27, 2021
Lenore Skenazy is the author of "Free Range Kids" and the president and co-founder of Let Grow, promoting childhood independence and resilience. She gained notoriety when she published the 2008 newspaper article “Why I Let My 9-Year-Old Ride the Subway Alone” and was labelled “America’s Worst Mom.” Tune in for her ideas on raising children to become strong, productive adults.

The Atlas Society Asks Michael Walsh

January 20, 2021
Having authored more than fifteen books, Michael Walsh is a New York Times bestselling author, journalist, and screenwriter. His latest book, "Last Stands: Why Men FIght When All Is Lost," is a praise of what many today criticize as “toxic” masculinity. In addition to his years as the classical music critic for Time Magazine and columnist at National Review, his nonfiction books "The Devil’s Pleasure Palace" (2015) and "The Fiery Angel" (2018) examine the enemies, heroes, triumphs, and struggles of Western Civilization.

The Atlas Society Asks Phil Kerpen

January 6, 2021
Phil Kerpen is president of American Commitment, an organization dedicated to restoring and protecting America’s core commitment to free markets, economic growth, Constitutionally-limited government, property rights, and individual freedom. A nationally syndicated columnist, Kerpen is chairman of the Internet Freedom Coalition and author of the 2011 book Democracy Denied.

The Atlas Society Asks Michael Shermer

December 30, 2020
Michael Shermer is the founding publisher of Skeptic magazine, the host of the "Science Salon Podcast," and a Presidential Fellow at Chapman University where he teaches Skepticism 101. A prolific writer, his most recent book is the 2020 "Giving the Devil His Due: Reflections of a Scientific Humanist."

The Atlas Society Asks Jacki Deason

December 23, 2020
A senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, attorney, and energy policy expert Jacki Deason hosts The Jacki Daily Show. She most recently garnered attention when she presented evidence of election illegalities to the Georgia State Senate regarding the cases of ballots under a table at the State Farm Arena.

The Atlas Society Asks Johan Norberg

December 16, 2020
Johan Norberg is the author of several books, including the newly released "Open: The Story of Human Progress," which argues that the key to human success is openness, “the freedom to explore and exchange – whether it’s goods, ideas or people.” A native of Sweden and a Cato Senior Fellow, Norberg’s writing, lectures, and documentary films focus on economics and popular science.

The Atlas Society Asks Frank Brooks

December 9, 2020
For over twenty years, Trustee of The Atlas Society, Frank Brooks was the managing principal, CEO, and chairman of design firm FreemanWhite, Inc., and coordinated its sale in 2015 to the Haskell Company. A registered architect in over 20 states, he has been personally responsible for the planning and design of facilities with a total construction value of over $2 billion.

The Atlas Society Asks Victor Davis Hans

December 2, 2020
The Atlas Society Asks Victor Davis Hanson, the award-winning historian and political commentator. He is the author of The Case for Trump, which details Trump’s journey from businessman to president.

The Atlas Society Asks Stephen Hicks & Victor Davis Hanson

December 2, 2020

The Atlas Society Asks Anne Heller

November 24, 2020
Anne Heller is the author of the groundbreaking biography "Ayn Rand and the World She Made." Anne delves into Ayn Rand’s early childhood in czarist Russia, through the Russian Revolution, to her life and career in the United States. Anne has also written "Hannah Arendt: A Life in Dark TImes," a biography about the controversial woman who wrote a 1963 New Yorker series and book on the trial of Adolph Eichmann.

The Atlas Society Asks Michael Shellenberger

November 18, 2020
Michael Shellenberger’s latest best-selling book, Apocalypse Never, is a lifelong environmentalist activist. The 2020 book came about as a result of his concern about the lack of science in the public discussion on climate change. He writes on a variety of topics, such as homelessness, addiction, and California’s forest fires.

The Atlas Society Asks Jay Lapeyre

November 11, 2020
Join us for The Atlas Society Asks Jay Lapeyre - Chairman of The Atlas Society Board of Trustees, Jay Lapeyre is also president of Laitram, LLC, a diversified global manufacturer of plastic conveyor belting, shrimp processing equipment, and space-saving stairs in New Orleans. An entrepreneur who promotes the ideas of economic liberty, Jay is committed to teaching young people the evils of socialism and the benefits of capitalism. Learn how the ideas of Ayn Rand changed his world-view and resulted in him taking responsibility for his own life.

The Atlas Society Asks John Fund

November 4, 2020
We are tremendously lucky to host political journalist and election expert John Fund on the day after the most contentious presidential election of our time! He is currently the national-affairs reporter for National Review Online and a senior editor at "The American Spectator" after spending twenty years at the Wall Street Journal where he was a member of its editorial board for six years. John is the author of "Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy" and co-author of "Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk." John will share his thoughts on this consequential election.

The Atlas Society Asks John Tamny

October 28, 2020
John Tamny is Director of the Center for Economic Freedom at FreedomWorks and editor at RealClearMarkets. He is widely published in the areas of tax, trade, and monetary policy. His most recent book, "The End of Work", sees that end as a net positive, allowing people to pursue their passions and highlight their unique skills. Hear what he has to say about the changes to the workplace resulting from COVID-19 and government restrictions.

The Atlas Society Asks Helen Fisher

October 21, 2020
Helen Fisher, Ph. D., is a biological anthropologist and a senior fellow at The Kinsey Institute. She has studied the brain circuitry of romantic love and written sic books, including Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Morriage, and Why We Stray.

The Atlas Society Asks Clint Bolick

October 7, 2020
The Atlas Society Asks Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick. Justice Bolick founded the Institute for Justice in 1991, a non-profit law firm that litigates to limit government power, especially when it comes to property rights, economic liberty, and free speech. Justice Bolick is well known for his support of school choice and defense of vouchers. He has written a number of books, including "David’s Hammer: The Case for an Activist Judiciary" and "Death Grip: Loosening the Law’s Stranglehold over Economic Liberty."

The Atlas Society Asks Christina Sandefur

September 30, 2020
Join us for The Atlas Society Asks Christina Sandefur. Christina is executive vice president at the Goldwater Institute and co-drafter of the Right to Try initiative, which is now federal law, protecting terminally ill patients' right to try safe investigational treatments not yet FDA approved. She is also co-author of Cornerstone of Liberty: Private Property Rights in 21st Century America. On September 30th, Christina will discuss her thoughts on Right to Try and on the changes in innovation and regulation as a reaction to COVID.

The Atlas Society Asks Emily Ekins

September 23, 2020
Join us for The Atlas Society Asks Emily Ekins. Emily is a research fellow and director of polling at Cato Institute. She recently published a much-quoted article on a Cato survey that found 62% of Americans fear sharing their political views. Tune in to hear her thoughts on public opinion regarding free speech, cancel culture, and policing.

The Atlas Society Asks Andy Puzder

September 16, 2020
As the former CEO of CKE Restaurants Holdings, Inc., the parent company of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr., Andy Puzder rescued the company from financial struggles and transformed it into a global fast food giant. He is also an attorney and an author, having written the 2018 book The Capitalist Comeback. Join in to hear Puzder’s thoughts on the impact of the shutdowns on businesses and of COVID on governmental economic policy.

The Atlas Society Asks Terrence Wren

September 14, 2020
Join us for The Atlas Society Asks Terrance Wren. Terrance is a popular TikTok commentator and entrepreneur. The father of four from East Saint Louis, Illinois, decided to push back against negativity and hatred with a simple but powerful message: "I love everyone no matter your color, shape or size.” He started the We Are Human clothing line to support his United BBQ events (including one sponsored by The Atlas Society on October 15th in Los Angeles), which bring people of different races and backgrounds together. A featured guest at the upcoming Atlas Society Gala on October 14th, Terrance frequently incorporates the content and ideas of The Atlas Society into his social media posts. Learn about Terrance's fascinating trajectory -- including growing up in foster homes and time in and out of prison -- and learn what inspired him to explore the philosophy of Ayn Rand. 

We promote open Objectivism: the philosophy of reason, achievement, individualism, and freedom.