

When Prosecutors Intimidate Witnesses

With their pursuit of investor Steven A. Cohen, federal prosecutors in New York have brought the government’s use of cooperating witnesses

Sep 26, 2013
James J. Treacy
5 Mins
Global Warming and Reckless Precaution

The soon-to-be released Fifth United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report will admit that computer predictions for

Sep 20, 2013
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
America’s Productive Fathers: Capitalists Or Crony Capitalists?

In a new article, “Reconsidering Gabriel Kolko: A Half-Century Perspective ,” Robert Bradley, Jr. and Roger Donway explain why libertarians

Sep 17, 2013
4 Mins
Ayn Rand: I Told You So

David Kelley was a guest on the webcast show Malcolm Out Loud.

Sep 16, 2013
2 mins
Internet Privacy and Corporate Free Speech

When I think of great defenders of big business and the profit motive, Mother Jones is not exactly the first name that comes to mind. Last

Sep 13, 2013
3 Mins
RFK Jr.'s Racial Honesty--and Betrayal

The New York Post has obtained a copy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s personal diary and published excerpts, much to the chagrin of this scion...

Sep 13, 2013
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Weiner's Insatiable Lust: For Power

To no one’s surprise Anthony Weiner lost in the New York City Democratic mayoral primary. But just before his defeat he was a guest on

Sep 12, 2013
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
September 11 and the Need for Enlightenment

Twelve years after the attacks on America by Islamist mass murderers, mass murder proceeds apace in the Muslim Middle East. Unfortunately,

Sep 10, 2013
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Religion and the American Republic: Why George Will is wrong

R Thomas and Edward Hudgins of The Atlas Society critique the arguments George Will put forth in his recent article " Religion and the...

Sep 3, 2013
Edward Hudgins
2 Mins
Liberal Capitalism: What Makes it Good?

Atlas Summit 2013 -- What makes free-market capitalism good? Stephen Hicks contends that the arguments in favor of free-market capitalism...

Aug 29, 2013
2 Mins
Raisin Farmers vs. the Government: Who Has the Right to the Raisins?

Sometimes, someone stands up and fights—and last week, I had the privilege of being interviewed for a program featuring two people who are

Aug 29, 2013
2 Mins
VIctor Sperandeo on "The Coming Hyperinflation"

Legendary Wall Street trader Victor Sperandeo presents a compelling, data-driven case that the current U.S. and international monetary

Aug 29, 2013
2 Mins
Internet is not a Human Right

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced a new initiative to promote the spread of internet usage world wide. He titled his

Aug 26, 2013
2 Mins
Republicans v. Libertarians: Chris Christie edition

In this "State of the Culture Update," Will and Ed address and analyze the recent controversy involving Chris Christie labeling the...

Aug 19, 2013
Edward Hudgins
2 Mins
The Buckyballs Case and the Spirit of Freedom

When the Consumer Product Safety Commission went after its product, Craig Zucker’s company protested. Buckyballs may have injured people who

Aug 15, 2013
2 Mins
Leaving America for Freedom, Earth for Mars

America is a country built by immigrants, but immigrants did not come here to build this country. Rather, they wanted—and still want...

Aug 15, 2013
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
Hyperloop: Get Out of the Way!

It's hard for an Objectivist not to be fan of Elon Musk...

Aug 13, 2013
4 Mins
Paul Krugman: Story Teller

In a recent column, Paul Krugman weighed in for the nth time against free-market-oriented Republicans Rand Paul and Paul Ryan

Aug 13, 2013
4 Mins
Lavabit Founder Shrugs, Closes Snowden Email Service

In 2004, Ladar Levison founded a business to produce a product he believed in: private email . He encrypted messages before storing them..

Aug 9, 2013
3 Mins
Government: Make Apple Pay for Two Antitrust Cops

Once, in late 2009 through early 2010, Apple tried to save the old-fashioned publishing industry . Now government lawyers, having convinced

Aug 5, 2013
3 Mins

Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.