

Cara Ellison Defends Atlas

Cara Ellison is one of the very few bloggers who defends fallen businessmen. She is particularly passionate about Enron, where she worked...

Aug 7, 2010
2 Mins
Astonishing Accusations Against Federal Judge

"Better the US government should violate the rule of law in 87 ways than that one kosher butcher should violate securities law in 87 ways"?

Aug 7, 2010
3 Mins
If You Discover Insider Trading, Can You Trade on Your Discovery?

It seems that SMARTS Software , developed in part by Professor Mike Aitken , has now been sold to 150 brokers worldwide who use “its...

Aug 4, 2010
2 Mins
Wyly Update: Insider-Trading Charge Is "Edgy"

I am always surprised to find a report more sympathetic than I am to businessmen facing legal persecution--and when the report comes from

Jul 31, 2010
2 Mins
Why Is Payola Illegal? The Univision Case

It seems that Stanley Kurtz has an interesting book coming out this fall: Radical-in-Chief . Even before publication, it is provoking some

Jul 30, 2010
2 Mins
David Kelley on Egalitarianism and Welfare Rights

Days after the Soviet Union collapsed, and shortly after the Iron Curtain fell, David Kelley delivered this lecture at the University of

Jul 23, 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
The Democrats' Model War

The 2006 U.S. elections, which put the Democrats in charge of the House and Senate, were widely described in media as a referendum on the Ir

Jul 21, 2010
10 Mins
The Collapse of a Postmodern Corporation

May 2002-- On December 2, 2001, Enron Corporation filed for bankruptcy. With the company's assets then estimated at $62 billion, it was the

Jul 12, 2010
8 Mins
Micro-Financing: Profit vs. Altruism

Muhammad Yunus, who founded Bangladesh's Grameen Bank in 1983, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his promotion of micro-financing, and..

Jul 11, 2010
2 Mins
Sergio Masvidal and DOJ Malfeasance

The Department of Justice (sic) has admitted that, as part of a 2007 “deferred prosecution agreement” it entered into with Amex, former

Jul 11, 2010
2 Mins
Former KGB Officer Cites Soviet Plan to Sabotage D.C.

KaluginWASHINGTON, D.C. July 9, 2010 — In the mid-1960s the Soviets planted a "sleeper" agent in Washington, D.C. whose main "job" was to "

Jul 10, 2010
2 Mins
Michael Dell Passes the Apple Test

Tom Kirkendall, of the always illuminating “Houston’s Clear Thinkers” blog, writes about the legal troubles at Dell and founder Michael Dell

Jul 8, 2010
3 Mins
SEC v. Rorech and Negrim

Solomon L. Wisenberg, guest-blogging at White Collar Crime Pof Blog, writes about the SEC’s total defeat in the insider-trading case of SEC

Jul 3, 2010
3 mins
War: An Objectivist View

Consider two horrific acts. Number one: a depressed father enters his living room, shoots his wife and children, and then himself. Number

Jul 1, 2010
William Thomas
10 Mins
Make Trade, Not War

THE TWENTIETH CENTURY SAW more deaths from wars than at any time in human history—some 15 million in World War I and 60 million in World....

Jul 1, 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
The Persuasion of Nixon

April 16, 1967. A wet, icy wind blew off the Charles River and howled down the wide channel of Massachusetts Avenue, gusting into narrow ...

Jun 30, 2010
10 Mins
Rand's Persecuted Minority

The Atlases who bear this world on their shoulders. Uniquely, Rand’s work portrays the exploited entrepreneurs of the mixed economy as the..

Jun 29, 2010
10 Mins
What is the Objectivist View on Democracy?

A system of government with elected representatives is a good thing, but more fundamental than the form by which the government is chosen...

Jun 29, 2010
D. Moskovitz
6 Mins
Instant Books and Instapundits

In its heyday, the instant book was an invaluable resource. Appearing shortly after a major news event, the tome would give a complete news

Jun 29, 2010
6 Mins
The Best Work of the Best Minds

I am sitting on the shore of Lake Ontario. It is late spring, and the sun rose about five minutes ago. The waters, which appeared blue

Jun 29, 2010
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
9 Mins

Promovemos el objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.