

Films that Make Us Feel Alive

In The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature, published in 1971, Ayn Rand articulated a simple framework for classifying art.

May 20, 2017
Vinay Kolhatkar
8 Mins
Would Ayn Rand Airbnb? Why a Superhost is a Selfish Host

My first night as an Airbnb host was a near disaster.I thought I was prepared. Glamour shots of the house – check. Coffee maker – check...

May 6, 2017
Jennifer A. Grossman
5 Mins
Watergate Reruns: The Campaign to Overturn the Election

What I call the “Not Our President Elite” (NOPE) believes that a frighteningly ignorant, bigoted, and distinctly inferior America—not the...

Feb 16, 2017
Walter Donway
7 Mins
Support Art, Cut NEA

At this time I was working summers to pay for my art education, and I had painted a large still life, and I still remember how proud I was

Feb 2, 2017
Michael Newberry
5 Mins
Editor's Desk: Just Do It

Fall 2011 issue -- A kick-ass half is better than a half-assed whole, quip the founders of 37Signals in their book Rework. They were referri

Oct 26, 2016
3 Mins
Video to Rectify Minimal Understanding of Minimum Wage

Quick quiz: If you jack up the price of something, do you think people will buy more or less of it? Apparently, the obvious answer “Less!”..

Jul 26, 2016
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Five Ayn Rand Questions for Grover Norquist

I run American for Tax Reform, the group that shares the Taxpayer Protection Pledge with all candidates. We ask them to commit in writing

Jul 14, 2016
3 Mins
Sharing Economy Failure and Prosperity

Many “sharing economy” firms are in trouble! Venture capitalists have lost millions! It’s the beauty of capitalism, improving our lives...

Apr 1, 2016
5 Mins
Disney’s Zootopia Teaches Kids about Inept Government

The popular Disney kid-flick Zootopia does something unusual for Hollywood: it takes a swipe at government...

Mar 29, 2016
Edward Hudgins
3 Mins
Living an Extraordinary Life | A profile of Lauren Zander

The biggest moment of her life was about to arrive, and Katie Torpey didn’t even care. It was a Saturday night in Los Angeles, and Katie

Feb 11, 2016
Sarah Perry
8 Mins
SpaceX Sticks the Landing

SpaceX, the rocketry startup founded by Elon Musk, succeeded on December 21, 2015 in bringing the first stage of its Falcon 9 rocket back

Dec 22, 2015
3 Mins
The Robots of Labor Day

Robots are special types of machines. They’re programmed electro-mechanical devices that perform various physical functions, ideally better

Sep 2, 2015
Edward Hudgins
5 Mins
The American Ethic of Success

America was founded on the idea of liberty, and it succeeded because Americans highly valued individualism and achievement. But when

Aug 29, 2015
2 Mins
Romanticist Writers Panel

Atlas Summit 2015 - Four fiction writers who write in the Romanticist tradition form a discussion panel to narrate their personal writing

Aug 24, 2015
2 Mins
"Selling" Ayn Rand's Ideas

Atlas Summit 2015 -- In the decade and a half since the publication of What Art Is: The Esthetic Theory of Ayn Rand, Louis Torres and Michel

Aug 3, 2015
Michelle Marder Kamhi
2 Mins
An Open Letter to J.K. Rowling

Ms. Rowling, your Cinderella story is legendary. As the article summarizes it: “Her life now is, naturally, very different from the hand-...

Jul 31, 2015
Robert James Bidinotto
4 Mins
Four Facts for Human Achievement Day

July 20 is the anniversary of one of humanity’s greatest accomplishments, the first lunar landing...

Jul 20, 2015
5 Mins
Playboy cites The Atlas Society

Within days of having re-published Alvin Toffler's historic interview with Ayn Rand, Playboy upped the pleasure factor with this impish take

Jul 15, 2015
2 Mins
"The Literary Art of Ayn Rand" now in ebook form

We're pleased to announce that we have published a second edition of The Literary Art of Ayn Rand. The first edition of Literary Art grew

Jul 9, 2015
3 Mins
The Atlas Society at FreedomFest!

The Atlas Society is proud to be a Preferred Platinum sponsor at this year’s Freedom Fest! Freedom Fest is an annual festival in Las Vegas

Jul 7, 2015
3 Mins

Promovemos el objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.